Animal source foods are under scrutiny for their environmental footprint. In addition, consumption of terrestrial animal source food is being questions in relation to human health. Sufficient evidence supports an important role for animal source foods, in particular eggs, milk and dairy products and fish, during critical periods of the life course such as pregnancy and lactation, childhood, and among older adults.
The 2023 complementary feeding guidelines for children 6-23 months, issued by the World Health Organization, recommend daily consumption of animal source foods (recommendation 3). However, global nutrition survey data shows that only 35 percent of children in low-income countries were able to consume animal source food during the previous day compared with 74 percent in upper-middle income countries. The affordability of animal source food represents a key barrier to access but there are also social and cultural norms preventing consumption among young children. Business as usual will not improve availability, access, affordability and consumption of animal source food for those individuals in greatest need. There is a need to scale up models that can boost agriculture productivity while considering all dimensions of sustainability – economic, social, and environmental.
In this infopoint, we propose to present country business models and approaches that aim to increase consumption of animal source foods among individuals in greatest vulnerability.
- the EU's international role | international cooperation
- Thursday 6 February 2025, 13:00 - 14:30 (CET)
- Brussels, Belgium
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 6 February 2025, 13:00 - 14:30 (CET)
- Where
- InfoPointBrussels, Belgium
- Languages
- English, French
- Organisers
- International Partnerships InfoPoint
The European Commission, represented by Mr Leonard Mizzi, will provide the opening remarks stressing the importance of this topic for nutritionally vulnerable populations, who are often absent from considerations in the global debate on the role of animal source foods. The European Commission has made EUR 2.5 billion EU financial commitments since the N4G Tokyo 2021 and has committed to reduce the number of children affected by stunting by 7 million between 2012 and 2025.
Dr Lynnette Neufeld (Director, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO) will discuss about the role of animal source food for those with special nutrient needs in the life course, with an emphasis on terrestrial animal source food given the major scrutiny . She will provide some insights into the latest evidence on the nutritional quality of terrestrial animal source foods by species and characteristics of livestock systems .
Mrs Harini Kaliyur from Sight and Life will present an approach promoted together with FAO to increase the supply of and demand for eggs, with a focus on increasing consumption among individuals in greatest vulnerability . The speaker will present the results from the application of the business model in Malawi (at scale) and in Bihar, India (just started).
Mr Cyril Ferrand from FAO Kenya Country Office will present the results and lessons learnt from the livestock approach used in Marsabit County to ensure milk stability during droughts for the prevention of child acute malnutrition among pastoralist communities. The provision of livestock feed only to households was associated with decrease in the risk of global acute malnutrition. The impact was more significant when the livestock support was accompanied by enhanced nutrition counselling. In addition, one video of 3 minutes will be show cased to present the multiple benefits of adopting dromedary camels by pastoralist women in the Samburu community in Kenya. Dromedary camels offered a climate-resilient solution to grant food security and nutrition and create livelihood opportunities.
Mr Dominique Kouacou, FAO Nigeria Country Office will present the preliminary results from the distribution of a locally-produced supplementary food consisting of mixed grains and fish powder (called Tom Brown Plus Fish) to prevent at-risk children from being affected by acute malnutrition in North East Nigeria.
Mr Jakub Trzciński as a CODEV-PI Delegate for Poland - currently ensuring the Presidency of the European Council - will provide closing remarks.
- Leonard Mizzi - INTPA Head of UNIT F3
- Dr Lynnette Neufeld – Director (FAO Food and Nutrition Division)
- Harini Kaliyur - Sight and Life
- Cyril Ferrand – Senior Agriculture Officer (FAO Kenya)
- Dominique Kouacou - FAO Representative ad interim Nigeria and ECOWAS; Head of Emergency and Resilience Team (a.i)
- Jakub Trzciński -Poland CODEV-PI Delegate
Language: English
Q&A session languages: English and French
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