The conference will lay down the principles of the EU’s work on Aid for Trade. It will present the main findings of the Aid for Trade Progress Report 2022, which include qualitative and quantitative analyses based on a survey to EU Delegations and Member States, and on ODA statistics. Special attention is drawn to EU Aid for Trade activities fostering a green recovery, and sustainable food systems.
- the EU's international role | international cooperation
- Thursday 15 December 2022, 15:00 - 16:30 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 15 December 2022, 15:00 - 16:30 (CET)
- Where
- InfoPoint
- Languages
- English, French
- Organisers
- International Partnerships InfoPoint
The EU, together with its Member States, is the biggest donor of Aid for Trade (AfT) – 40% of global AfT. ‘’EU Aid for Trade Progress Report’’ has become one of DG INTPA’s signature publications and serves as a useful reference for the work of EU institutions, as well as for the wider public from other international organisations, civil society, academia, think tanks, etc.
The report is based on the responses to a questionnaire, completed this year by 92 EU Delegations around the world, and OECD/DAC data on Aid for Trade volumes. It is the fifth publication since the 2017 EU Strategy on Aid for Trade and aims at being even more results- oriented than in the previous years, as called for in that Strategy. This year, the report dedicates a special chapter on EU Aid for Trade activities fostering a green recovery, a top driver of change in Aid for Trade priorities for donors as highlighted in the 2022 OECD-WTO Aid for Trade Global Review, and sustainable food systems, where decades of progress are being reversed due to the global impact of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine.
The conference will lay down the principles of the EU’s work on Aid for Trade as stemming from the 2017 Commission Communication “Achieving Prosperity through Trade and Investment: Updating the Joint EU Strategy on Aid for Trade” (COM(2017)667) and ensuing Council conclusions (15573/17) established the new EU Aid for Trade Strategy. Main qualitative and quantitative findings will be presented, including thematic focus on fostering a green recovery and sustainable food systems as well as differentiated focus accordingly with countries’ levels of development (least developed countries, lower middle income countries, upper middle income countries).
- Kåre Johard, Policy Officer, Trade, Aid for Trade, Green Deal Contact, INTPA E2 - Micro-Economic Analysis, Investment Climate, Private Sector, Trade and Employment
- Jamila Stute, Contact point for Aid for Trade Progress Report, INTPA E2 - Micro-Economic Analysis, Investment Climate, Private Sector, Trade and Employment
- Stefano Migliorisi, Report Officer
- Matias Calvo, Data Management Specialist
Language: English