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International Partnerships
  • Conferences and summits

InfoPoint conference: Gender transformative approaches to secure land rights

Women have been at the centre of human rights violations worldwide regarding their rights and access to land. To achieve gender equality - a priority in EU external policy and action as per the Gender Action Plan III (2020-2025) - it is crucial to secure women’s land rights as well as women’s equal participation and leadership in land governance. Gender transformative approaches are crucial in rural development interventions, especially to promote equal rights to land as a basis for rural livelihoods.

As a global change network with the shared goal of putting people at the centre of land governance,  the International Land Coalition (ILC) has made a pledge to promote gender justice across all its actions. ILC members who have used diverse strategies to promote gender transformative approaches in the land sector (including promoting young women's leadership, conducting gender audits and involving male champions) will share challenges they have faced and what they have learnt.

  • the EU's international role | international cooperation
  • Monday 6 March 2023, 14:00 - 15:30 (CET)

Practical information

Monday 6 March 2023, 14:00 - 15:30 (CET)
InfoPoint and Webex Meetings
International Partnerships InfoPoint
