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Opening of ADELANTE Window 2023

ADELANTE 2 announces that the opening of the ADELANTE Window 2023 will take place on Tuesday, April 18th at 16.00 hrs (Brussels time).

From that moment onwards, the Triangular Cooperation Partnerships will be able to begin preparing the concept note online on the Extranet for the Triangular Cooperation Initiatives that they are interested in submitting to the Window.


Announcement Adelante window 2023



On the homepage of the ADELANTE Extranet the 'Guidelines for applicants ('Guidelines for applicants of the ADELANTE Window. Version 2 - March 2022') and the 'Specific rules of the ADELANTE Window 2023' are available for consultation and download.

After registering on the Extranet, the 'Reference documents' section contains the 'Manual of procedures ADELANTE Window 2023' and the 'Manual of implementation and management of Triangular Cooperation Initiatives ADELANTE Window 2023', both of which must be read before submitting a concept note. In addition, in this section you will find a document containing the 'concept note form', which is made available to the Partnerships to assist in the pre-formulation exercise of the Initiatives until the moment the Window is opened, when the online form will then be available. A template of the 'Formalisation document of the Triangular Cooperation Partnership' is also available for use by Partnerships that do not have their own form.

Registration on the ADELANTE Extranet and access to the 'Reference documents' is available at all times.


Webinar on the ADELANTE Window 2023

The webinar presenting the ADELANTE Window 2023 will take place on Thursday, March 30th at 16.30 hrs (Brussels time).

Registration is now open here.

In the questions and answers section, the ADELANTE Team is available to answer all queries related to the ADELANTE Window 2023.


  • international cooperation | Latin America-EU partnership
  • Tuesday 18 April 2023, 16:00 (CEST)
  • Online only

Practical information

Tuesday 18 April 2023, 16:00 (CEST)
Online only
English, Spanish
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


General contact

Adelante2 helpdesk

Adelante2 helpdesk
infoatadelante2 [dot] eu