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  • News article
  • 4 April 2022
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships
  • 1 min read

Join our Kapuscinski Development Lecture with Beata Javorcik live on 6 April

Lecture with Beata Javorcik

Join our #KAPTalks live with Chief Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Beata Javorcik, to discuss what are the forces that will shape globalization after Covid-19.

The event takes place on Wednesday, 6 April at 14.00 CET / 12.00 GMT.  

Globalisation after COVID: Business as usual, or not?

As the world comes out of the Covid-19 pandemic, what are the major forces that will shape globalization?

Will the more prominent role of the state undermine the level playing field? Will global value chains be reshuffled? How will policies to combat climate change affect cross-border flows of goods and investment? Does digitalisation matter for international trade and within country inequality?  

Join #KAPTalks lecturer Beata Javorcik, Chief economist for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to discuss how the world recovers from the economic pains of the pandemic and whether it does so with a new approach.

Hosted by Gothenburg School of Economics

The Kapuscinski Development Lectures is an initiative funded by the European Commission.

Register for the lecture ‘Globalisation after COVID: Business as usual, or not?’ with Beata Javorcik

Read more on the Kapucinski Development Lectures website

About Beata Javorcik

Beata Javorcik is Chief Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London. She is on leave from the University of Oxford, where she is the first woman to hold a Statutory Professorship in Economics. She is also a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford and the Director of the International Trade Programme at the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee at ifo Institute, University of Munich, as well as of the Executive and Supervisory Committee of CERGE-EI in Prague. Before taking up her position at Oxford, she worked at the World Bank in Washington DC, where she focused on research, lending operations and policy advice. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale and a B.A. in Economics (Summa cum Laude) from the University of Rochester.


Publication date
4 April 2022
Directorate-General for International Partnerships