The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of the EU support to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) given through the CSO-LA Thematic Programme. The evaluation assesses:
- the relevance of the EU’s cooperation strategies in relation to CSOs and LAs;
- the results achieved;
- the consistency with regional and national programming;
- the value added of EU interventions and
- the coordination, complementary and coherence across EU/Member State/other development partner interventions.
Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - Final report
Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - Civil society component
Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - DEAR component
Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - Local authorities component
Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - Response of the services