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International Partnerships

Independent Evaluation of the EU's Cooperation with Afghanistan (2007-2016)

The Evaluation covers the EU’s cooperation with Afghanistan during the period 2007-2016 and it assesses its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coordination and complementarity, EU added value, potential negative effects and gender as cross-cutting issue.The evaluation shows that the gradual streamlining of the EU portfolio towards fewer and larger contracts and the increased proportion of funding in the form of contributions to multi-donor trust funds has had multiple benefits

  • 1 APRIL 2019
Independent Evaluation of the EU's Cooperation with Afghanistan (2007-2016) - Main Report
  • 10 FEBRUARY 2020
Independent Evaluation of the EU's Cooperation with Afghanistan (2007-2016) - Vol.2 Evaluation Matrix
  • 28 APRIL 2020
Independent Evaluation of the EU's Cooperation with Afghanistan (2007-2016) - Summary
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2019
Evaluation of EU's Cooperation with Afghanistan (2007 – 2016) - Response of the service