We use a framework to measure performance of EU-funded interventions and to communicate key results. It is instrumental in tracking the EU priorities for external action.
From 2014-2021, this framework was called EU Results Framework.
In 2021, this was revised to introduce a revised system called Global Europe Results Framework.
The framework is part of efforts to be accountable, to implement funds efficiently and effectively and to enable learning and evaluations. As part of this results-based management, the Global Europe Results Framework facilitates reporting of selected results data for the following main products:
- Reporting on what we achieve with EU funds designated for EU cooperation with all third countries (except for the pre-accession beneficiaries and the overseas countries and territories from the geographic programmes). The related programme Global Europe: Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument runs from 2021-2027. A large part of the Global Europe Results Framework is designed to allow for monitoring and reporting on the NDICI and a list of 17 indicators will be used for reporting purposes.
- Following-up on the strategic objectives of the department in its annual management reporting.
Over the course of the next years, the framework will guide actions related to implementing results based management and instilling a results based culture.
The results framework
A results framework is a tool used to collect and measure results achieved against strategic objectives. The Global Europe Performance Monitoring System consists of various components. It is used to measure performance of EU cooperation with third countries (except for the pre-accession beneficiaries and the overseas countries and territories from the geographic programmes). Methodological indicator fiches guide data collection. It also encompasses sector frameworks like the monitoring framework of the Gender Action Plan III and other thematic guides to develop results chains and indicators.

The framework consists of three levels.
- Level 1 monitors the impact in terms of international cooperation and development progress in partner countries (e.g. UNESCO Institute for Statistics Youth literacy rate). Data source are databases of international data providers.
- Level 2 measures the outputs and outcomes to which EU funded interventions have contributed in collaboration with partners (e.g. Number of students enrolled in education with EU support). Data source are monitoring systems of EU-funded interventions. Reporting is carried out by implementing partners. Every year, data is aggregated across projects and regions to report on those indicators in the results framework which are used for annual reporting.
- Level 3 tracks the resources directed towards specific priorities, measured either in terms of budgetary commitments or numbers of interventions (e.g. Amount and share of EU funded international cooperation and development assistance directed towards education). Data source are internal financial monitoring systems.