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International Partnerships

Bêkou Fund - Infrastructure

Infrastructure: A cross-cutting feature

The rehabilitation and construction of new infrastructure is present in most of the projects supported by the Bêkou Trust Fund: rehabilitation of hospitals as part of health programmes; development of drying areas and processing units for the agricultural sector; development of collective infrastructure such as schools and markets, particularly as part of social cohesion projects; and rehabilitation of training centres.

In total, more than 540 public spaces/buildings have been constructed or rehabilitated with the support of the Bêkou Fund since its creation in 2014.

Located between 6 countries (Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of Congo), the Central African Republic is a landlocked country with no direct access to the sea.

Successive crises have led to the deterioration and even destruction of much of its infrastructure: markets, roads, bridges, health centres, etc. Thus, the Central African Republic (CAR) suffers from a lack of infrastructure. Moreover, those that do exist are often of poor quality or badly maintained.


Since its creation, the Bêkou Fund has focused on the rehabilitation of certain strategic roads and on the rehabilitation/construction of infrastructure vital to the country's development.

This is directly in line with the second pillar of the country’s recovery and peacebuilding plan: 'ensuring economic recovery and the revival of productive sectors'.

Priorities for action

As early as 2014, the Bêkou Fund created a first ‘Economic and Social Reconstruction Programme in Urban Areas’ (PRESU). In 2017, it adopted a programme dedicated to opening up the country. In the last 6 years, more than €24 million have been allocated to infrastructure.

Main results

  • 541 structures have been rehabilitated/constructed

  • 396 metres of Bailey bridges have been delivered and 11 bridges have been installed

  • 423 crossing points have been diagnosed

Related documents

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Bêkou Trust Fund PRESU project final evaluation - summary
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Fiche d'action Fonds Fiduciaire Bêkou - Projet de désenclavement des Régions en République centrafricaine
23 MARCH 2021
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