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Proyectos (107)

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Mother listening to awareness raising messages from her home

To address the spread of the pandemic in Madagascar, the European Union supported the pilot project CallvsCorona, as part of the Smart Development Fund.

Lugares del proyecto
Madagascar, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Haiti

To improve global trade transparency, the European Union is supporting the International Trade Centre to make a set of market analysis tools available online, for all users in developing countries.

Lugares del proyecto
12 habitants d'Obo sont formés pour assurer de façon autonome l’édition des programmes du média

Plus de la moitié de la population centrafricaine, soit 2,8 millions de personnes, est dans le besoin d’assistance. Le Fonds Bêkou a adopté un programme de relèvement socioéconomique dans la zone sud-est.

Lugares del proyecto
Central African Republic

Through the Regreening Africa project, the European Union is supporting land restoration across one million hectares, benefitting 500,000 households in Mali, Niger, Senegal, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Rwanda.

Lugares del proyecto
Mali, Niger, Senegal, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Rwanda
Project trainees

In the last decade floods in West Africa have increased dramatically with severe economic impacts. The project aims at enhancing the efficiency of flood management by providing Earth Observation images and improving the disaster management capacity.

Lugares del proyecto
Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso