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International Partnerships

Final Evaluation of the Institutional Capacity Building for the Transport Sector in Uganda Project (2023)

This is the Final Report of the Final Evaluation of the Institutional Capacity Building for the Transport Sector in Uganda Programme.


EvalRef 2022-F-3564, Evaluation contract C-433536, Evaluated references D-39149
Publication date
17 February 2023
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders and the Government of Uganda with:


  • an overall independent assessment of the performance of the Institutional Capacity Building for the Transport Sector in Uganda project, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons
  • underpinning such results;
  • key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve future interventions. This evaluation will serve:
  • to understand the performance of the intervention and the reasons behind it in order to maximise its potential to achieve the expected results during the residual implementation time and;
  • to understand the performance of the intervention and the reasons behind it in order to inform the planning of the future EU interventions in the same sector.

Therefore, the evaluation looks for evidence of why, whether and how the EU intervention has contributed to the achievement of results and seek to identify the factors driving or hindering progress. Furthermore, the evaluation team shall consider whether gender equality and women’s empowerment, environment and adaptation to climate change were mainstreamed; the relevant SDGs and their interlinkages were identified; the principle of Leave No One Behind and the rights-based approach methodology was followed in the identification/formulation documents.


17 FEBRUARY 2023
Final Evaluation of the Institutional Capacity Building for the Transport Sector in Uganda Project (2023)