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  • Evaluation

Final Evaluation of the "Support the EU-China Cooperation on Environment and Green Economy” project (2021)

The objective of this final evaluation is to provide the EU and interested stakeholders with an independent assessment of the past performance of the "Support the ''EU-China Cooperation on Environment and Green Economy”.


EvalRef 2020-F-2625, Evaluation contract C-422300, Evaluated references C-390904
Publication date
1 November 2021
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The objective of this final evaluation is to provide the relevant services of the European Union (EU) and the interested stakeholders with i) “an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the ""Support the ''EU-China Cooperation on Environment and Green Economy” project"", paying particular attention to its results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results; ii) key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future Actions”.

The evaluation is focused on the assessment of ultimate results (outputs and impacts) with an approach focused on accountability, but especially on learning. The evaluation applied a mixedmethods approach to data collection and data analysis. The evaluation matrix provides the backbone  of any evaluation and features 17 evaluation questions.

The main method for primary data collection were Semi-Structured (SSI) and in-depth Interviews. Secondary data collection relied on desk review, including any Key Performance Indicators  and statistical data. A participatory approach was strictly followed, by promoting the assessment of the experiences of a variety of stakeholders with the use of techniques that are inclusive, participatory as far as possible, and respectful of the socio-cultural context in which the evaluation is carried out.   The main limitation had to do with getting hold of key Chinese stakeholders, which substantially limited the availability of information to assess impacts (response rate for interviews standing at 45%). 


  • 1 NOVEMBER 2021
Final Evaluation of the "Support the EU-China Cooperation on Environment and Green Economy” project (2021)