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  • Evaluation

Mid-Term evaluation of Market Oriented Agriculture Programme in Ghana- MOAP Ghana and REACH (2023)

The two interventions subject of this Mid-Term evaluation are: Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP) and Resilience Against Climate Change REACH. 

Mid-Term evaluation of Market Oriented Agriculture Programme in Ghana- MOAP Ghana and REACH (2023)


EvalRef 2022-M-2246, Evaluation contract C-431432, Evaluated references D-39064
Publication date
21 April 2023
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The report contains a Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the MOAP2 and REACH in the context of the EU-Ghana Agriculture Programme. The primary users of the findings will be the European Union Delegation to Ghana, the Government of Ghana, particularly the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Implementing Partners, and the stakeholders involved in the implementation/steering of the Interventions. The assessment will be important both in terms of seeing what results were achieved with the funds invested and feeding the lessons into the new Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and potential future interventions in agriculture in Ghana.

The main objective of the MTE is to provide the European Commission and other key stakeholders with an independent assessment of the Action’ performance, achievements and intermediate results, measured against their expected objectives, as well as the factors enabling or hampering a proper delivery of results, in order for their design or implementing modalities to be adjusted. Therefore, the MTE provides an opportunity to identify key lessons learned to date, to recommend design modifications to optimise progress towards planned objectives within the remaining lifetime of the MOAP and REACH projects and provide suggestions on how to improve the impact of current and future Actions.


  • 21 APRIL 2023
Mid-Term evaluation of Market Oriented Agriculture Programme in Ghana- MOAP Ghana and REACH (2023)