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International Partnerships

Mid-Term evaluation of the Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan programme (2021)

The Mid-Term evaluation period spans from January 2019 to June 2020, focusing on the Huqooq Pakistan project's performance.


EvalRef 2020-M-1507, Evaluation contract C-409077, Evaluated references D-39500
Publication date
7 January 2021
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The focus of the MTE is to get an independent view on the performance of the Huqooq Pakistan project during the first half of the implementation period, from January 2019 – June 2020. It is to assess progress to date, achievements, quality of results obtained, the relationship between results/outcomes and objectives as well as the factors driving or hindering progress. The evaluation will also assess progress in the context of Pakistan-EU cooperation policy and relevant SDG goals for Pakistan.

The main objective is to provide the relevant services of the European Union and stakeholders with:

  1. an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the ""Promotion of human Rights Program"", paying particular attention to its intermediate results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results;
  2. key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future actions

In view of the purpose and objectives above, it is important that the evaluation approach and methodology strikes an appropriate balance between:

  1. being sufficiently comprehensive in order to fulfil EC accountability requirements and objectives;
  2. focus on the scope and purpose of the programme, and provide specific and relevant lessons for similar EU projects in the future.


7 JANUARY 2021
Mid-Term evaluation of the Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan programme (2021)