- Identification
- EvalRef 2015-M-1064, Evaluation contract C-361052, Evaluated references C-306744, C-308728, C-386822, D-21747, D-22161, D-22512
- Publication date
- 25 June 2015
- Author
- Directorate-General for International Partnerships
These projects are operated for the benefit of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) and implemented by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC). In order to recommend changes that can catalyse improvements going forward, these evaluations paid particular attention to the progress of the projects against their objectives, identifying enabling and constraining factors that have affected realisation of results, particularly the governance and implementation capacity of the UNODC.
In 2012, the European Union (EU) and the Federal Government of Nigeria signed three Financing Agreements to implement the projects "Response to Drugs and Related Organised Crime in Nigeria", "European Union Support to the Justice Sector" and "Support to Anti-Corruption in Nigeria", with a total EU contribution of EUR 98,000,000 to be funded under the 10th European Development Fund (10th EDF). The EU and the Government of Nigeria entrusted United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with the implementation of the projects, given its specific mandate and expertise on these subject matters. Contribution Agreements between the EU and UNODC were subsequently signed to guide the implementation of the projects. In addition, UNDP and UNICEF came on board as implementing partners of the Anti-Corruption and Justice projects respectively.
The approach undertaken in this, and the other two project evaluations, has been to conduct both a technical assessment of the project results as well as an organisational assessment of the UNODC, and the institutional environment within which it operates. As all three projects are being implemented by the same organisation, the recommendations, lessons learned and conclusions of Section 2, the organisational and functional assessment, primarily reflect the unified analysis of the three projects, as per the TOR: “while allowing for any project specific variations”.