- Identification
- EvalRef 2021-M-2708, Evaluation contract C-428822, Evaluated references D-40819
- Publication date
- 2 December 2022
- Author
- Directorate-General for International Partnerships
TIP is a development assistance programme for Nepal from 2020 to 2024. The total budget of the TIP is € 8 million (of which € 0.2 million reserved for audit, evaluation, communication and visibility). The overall objective of the TIP is to contribute to Nepal’s sustainable and inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction through increased trade and
participation in regional and global value chains, improved investment climate for attracting foreign direct investment, and improved trade and investment coordination. The TIP was divided into two major components:
- The Trade Component:
- Enhanced capacities of the MoICS and TEPC to formulate trade policies, negotiate
- trade agreements and implement them effectively,
- Developed toolbox for trade facilitation and export policies,
- Increased capacity throughout Nepal’s coffee value chain, and
- Increased capacity throughout Nepal’s pashmina value chain.
- Investment Component:
- Procedural and regulatory obstacles for FDI identified; and the solutions proposed,
- GoN/MoICS capacity to attract FDI improved,
- Trade, industry and investment policies/strategy and coordination/promotion mechanisms supported
- Strengthened information and knowledge sharing and mechanisms in trade and investment by involving provincial and local governments in trade and investment.