- Identification
- EvalRef 2019-M-1863, Evaluation contract C-409968, Evaluated references D-37403
- Publication date
- 6 February 2020
- Author
- Directorate-General for International Partnerships
The specific objectives of this evaluation are: an overall independent assessment of the ongoing performance of the BAFS programme, paying particular attention to its expected results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results; Key lessons learnt, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve implementation for the remaining operational period of the programme (up to September 2023).
In addition, this evaluation assesses:
- The complementarity with the ongoing EU-funded West Africa Competitiveness Programme titled "Increasing Sierra Leone's competitiveness through enhanced productivity and trade compliance in selected value chains" and implemented by UNIDO and ITC
- The EU added value (the extent to which the action brings additional benefits to what would have resulted from Member States' interventions only) and the coherence of the action/programme itself with EU policies on climate change, smart and green agriculture and protection of vulnerable groups (youth, women).
The output of this exercise is expected to contribute to the finetuning of the programme and identification of new initiatives in agriculture, food security, as well as contribute to the better management of Sierra Leone’s climate change resilience, therefore improve the livelihood and welfare of the farmers and vulnerable and poor rural households.