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International Partnerships
  • Evaluation

Mid-Term Review - Enhancing Legislature Oversight Programme (2023)

The MTE assesses the programme performance against different levels of results, how the ROM recommendations were addressed, and exploration of the complementarity of the ELOP and the CSO Participation in Legislatures' Oversight


EvalRef 2022-M-3402, Evaluation contract C-437476, Evaluated references D-39291
Publication date
14 July 2023
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


In South Africa, public and civil society participation is required in legislative and oversight processes, and the NA, NCOP, and PLs are all required to hold sittings and committee meetings in public. Public and civil society participation is generally strong, although data indicate the degree to which committees engage with the public varies substantially.

The EU has supported South Africa's democratic institutions since the end of apartheid. EU support to the legislative sector dates back to 1996. It is substantial in monetary terms and generally in line with international best practices for parliamentary development, emphasising the importance of longer-term approaches and capacity development.

The MTE of the EU-funded Enhancing Legislature Oversight Programme commenced in October 2022. Key users of the evaluation can be identified as: the EU Delegation (EUD), implementing partner (i.e., Legislative Sector Support (LSS), Parliament of South Africa); the National Treasury; and experts on parliamentary development in South Africa.


  • 14 JULY 2023
Mid-Term Review - Enhancing Legislature Oversight Programme (2023)