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International Partnerships

Mid-Term Review of SADC Project Preparation Development Facility (2020)

The mid-term evaluation covers the EU Contribution to the PPDF, and assesses achievements, quality and results of the PPDF from 2013 to 2018. The Field Phase consultation involved missions to Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe during 2018.


EvalRef 2018-M-1171, Evaluation contract C-398575, Evaluated references D-23847
Publication date
27 February 2020
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The SADC Project Preparation Development Facility (PPDF) was a follow-on from SADC Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan (RIDMP) to provide a regional benchmarking for rapidly increased investment in the infrastructure sector in line with SADC spatial development plans. Following the signature and adoption of the Protocol on Finance and Investment in August 2006 by the SADC, the RIDMP was completed and the PPDF was established to address the perceived lack of expertise in project preparation as well as to help leverage financial resources from multiple sources.

To support this vision, the European Union (EU) signed a Contribution Agreement with the SADC Secretariat to provide a financial support of EUR 11.75 million to the PPDF, while Kredietanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW) has provided EUR 10.8 million in funding support under KfW’s 1 Commitments. The specific objective of the PPDF is to ensure a long-term and sustainable flow of technically, economically and financially viable infrastructure projects prepared and/or financed for the SADC region. The PPDF is centred around three result areas:

  • identification and preparation of a pipeline of regional economic infrastructure projects;
  • investment proposals successfully marketed; and
  • development of a human capacity within the region for the identification, project preparation, evaluation and marketing of economic infrastructure projects.


27 FEBRUARY 2020
Mid-Term Review of SADC Project Preparation Development Facility (2020)