- Publication date
- 1 March 2015
- Author
- Directorate-General for International Partnerships
The evaluation provides EU services with an overall independent assessment of past and present cooperation relations with Madagascar. This cross-sectional analysis is conducted in using the 5 OECD-DAC evaluation criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact) to assess the EU's cooperation impact on macroeconomic stability, social services, transport, rural development, regional integration and rule of law.
Read the evaluation report (Volume 1 - Final report) (French)

Strategic evaluation of the EU Cooperation with the Republic of Madagascar (2002-2013) - Summary
Strategic evaluation of the EU Cooperation with the Republic of Madagascar (2002-2013) - Annexe 1 (FR)
Strategic evaluation of the EU Cooperation with the Republic of Madagascar (2002-2013) - Annexe 2 (FR)
Strategic evaluation of the EU Cooperation with the Republic of Madagascar (2002-2013) - Grille de qualité (FR)
Strategic evaluation of the EU Cooperation with the Republic of Madagascar (2002-2013) - Fiche contradictoire (FR)