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International Partnerships

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Publications library (18)

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  • General guidelines
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

This reference document aims to enhance the EU’s development cooperation to tackle inequalities in partner countries, focusing on income inequality, effective policy responses, and addressing inequality in development cooperation.

  • General guidelines
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

This note should be read alongside the EU’s thematic guidance notes on conflict sensitivity, covering areas like Conflict Prevention, Gender, Human Rights, National and International Actors, Economic Development, Climate Change, Food Security, COVID-19, Education, and Conflict Sensitive DDR.

  • General guidelines
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

Complex, prolonged crises with multiple risks and weak systems need structured, long-term, resilience-focused approaches. Over the last decade, the EU has prioritised resilience in its Global Strategy through a robust policy framework.

  • General guidelines
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

This document is meant to provide guidance and useful information for defining technical assistance projects in developing countries aimed at creating appropriate intellectual property rights (IPRs) framework and enforcement in line with applicable international laws, regulations and commitments.

  • Memorandum of understanding
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

In view of the multi-functional role of forests, Forest Partnerships will address forests in a comprehensive and integrated way and taking into account the specific needs of local communities and indigenous peoples.

  • Study
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

This study is the operational response of the Wildlife Crisis Window, an integral part of the ‘EU Biodiversity for Life’ (B4Life) flagship initiative. B4Life is a conceptual framework to ensure better coherence and coordination of EU actions in the area of biodiversity and ecosystems.