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International Partnerships

French Southern and Antarctic Territories

The French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF) are a French overseas territory (OCT) located in the Indian Ocean. The OCT has no permanent population but is home to scientific and technical staff.

The TAAF are of unique scientific and environmental value. It represents a large maritime territory (2 300 000 km²), rich in marine resources.

Our priorities

The European Commission adopted the Programming Document (Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027) for the TAAF on 15 December 2021. EUR 4 million are allocated to this new programme.

The main objective of this new programme will be to contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems and the sustainable management of natural resources in the TAAF. On the one hand, this will consist of improving knowledge and monitoring of marine ecosystems, in order to develop appropriate conservation measures, and on the other hand, strengthening the sustainability of fisheries on a regional scale. This programme will also contribute to strengthening the regional integration of the TAAF, by promoting collaboration and joint actions with other outermost regions and states in the region.

Our impact

With the 11th EDF, the EU supported the restoration of threatened island ecosystems, through the fight against invasive alien species which have a negative impact on endemic flora and fauna, especially on bird populations. This included environmental monitoring, operations to eradicate invasive exotic species and the implementation of biosafety measures to prevent the reintroduction of these species. (RECI project, EUR 4 million).

Our programmes

The TAAF participates in the BEST programme (coordination of the polar and sub-polar hub between 2015 and 2019, about ten programmes implemented in the territory) and in the LIFE programme (initiatives with Mayotte, Réunion and other OCTs).

The TAAF will also be eligible for the DOAG’s dedicated intra-regional envelop for all OCTs and for the period 2021-2027 (EUR 15 million). Intraregional cooperation is a vital aspect of the EU's approach to OCTs, as it promotes closer ties and collaboration notably with neighbouring countries, outermost regions, and regional organisations through pilot actions. 

Finally, a young researcher temporarily living in the TAAF is participating in the OCT-Youth Network which aims to increase the ties between young people living in OCTs and the European Union and enhance the knowledge and involvement of young people in the EU-OCT partnership.


  • 8 MARCH 2022
Multiannual indicative programme 2021-2027 for French Southern and Antarctic Territories (French)
  • 22 NOVEMBER 2023
Annual action plan 2023 for the French Southern and Antarctic Lands