Key facts
- Implementing Partner:
European Development Finance Institutions Management Company (EDFI MC)
- Guarantee volume:
Up to €80 million
- Global Gateway areas of partnership:
Multisectoral - Climate and Energy, Digital, Education and Research, Health
- Sectors:
Medium and small-sized enterprises including in the agricultural and rural sectors
- Geographical focus:
Sub-Saharan Africa and the Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood
- Type of support provided:
Financing, Technical assistance
- Types of investments:
Debt investments
- Investment period:
Open for investments until July 2026
- Technical assistance:
up to €2 million
The MSME Platform guarantee facilitates access to long-term and short-term financing from local financial intermediaries supporting micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a particular focus on businesses run by women, young people and migrants in fragile states and least developed countries. The guarantee aims to support the growth of local enterprises by addressing bottlenecks to investments and by encouraging the development of skills and entrepreneurship. The MSME Platform is designed not only to strengthen the financial capacity of MSMEs, but also to ensure the development of a sustainable, inclusive and dynamic business ecosystem that breeds innovation.

How can businesses and investors get involved?
If you are a business representative or an investor with an interest in this guarantee program, we recommend getting in touch directly with EDFI MC.
Contact: MSME [dot] Guaranteeedfimc [dot] eu (MSME[dot]Guarantee[at]edfimc[dot]eu)