- the EU's international role | international cooperation
- Monday 9 October 2023, 10:00 - 12:00 (CEST)
- Online only
- Live streaming available
Practical information
- When
- Monday 9 October 2023, 10:00 - 12:00 (CEST)
- Where
- Online only
- Languages
- English
- Website
- Webex - password: Opsys@2023 or 67797120 from phones and video systems
The Results Reporting exercise (RRE) for 2024 has been launched. The exercise will collect data on the results of interventions funded by NDICI, IPA III, DOAG and INSC, to measure the progress achieved and ensure transparency and accountability.
The interventions that will be covered by this exercise are those that started before the 1 July 2023 and are funded through the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027.
This exercise takes place via the IT platform, OPSYS. As part of this exercise, Implementing Partners will need to:
-Input the logframe of the intervention in OPSYS (ensure that updates of baselines, targets and indicators that have been agreed are duly reflected)
-Update the current values if available. Please include the values reported in the latest financial/narrative report. Kindly note that the exercise will report on the last available data in the system. This data can be encoded in OPSYS at any time during the year, not necessarily during the Results Reporting exercise.
Updating the current values in OPSYS should be done on a regular basis. As a minimum, the values should be updated each time that the Implementing Partners submit the narrative and financial report.
To help you in the process, please find below the online resources available for log frame and data recording in OPSYS. A trilingual webinar series on this subject has also been organised:
- 9 October 2023
- 10 am to 12 pm CEST
- https://ecconf.webex.com/ecconf/j.php?MTID=m668acdc5c6264d6291631496cdeffd7d (password: Opsys@2023 or 67797120 from phones and video systems)
- Access the PowerPoint presentation and video recording of the session after the webinar in INTPA Academy: Course: OPSYS - 2024 Results Reporting exercise in OPSYS | Awareness webinar for Implementing Partners (europa.eu)
- 17 October 2023
- 2 pm to 4 pm CEST
- https://ecconf.webex.com/ecconf/j.php?MTID=m8e6d7d8260d49e1a23c96e0da4701880 (password: Opsys@2023 or 67797120 from phones and video systems)
- Access the PowerPoint presentation and video recording of the session after the webinar in INTPA Academy: Course: OPSYS - Exercice de communication des résultats 2024 dans OPSYS | Séminaire en ligne de sensibilisation pour les partenaires de mise en œuvre (europa.eu)
- 20 October 2023
- 4 pm to 6 pm CEST
- https://ecconf.webex.com/ecconf/j.php?MTID=mc28b7fa5288b301e87aa83d05f7a644d (password: Opsys@2023 or 67797120 from phones and video systems)
- Access the PowerPoint presentation and video recording of the session after the webinar in INTPA Academy: Course: OPSYS - Ejercicio de presentación de informes de resultados 2024 en OPSYS | Seminario en línea de sensibilización para socios ejecutores (europa.eu).
The video recording and PowerPoint presentations of these webinars will be published in INTPA Academy under Resources > Webinars. The webinar in English will be available under the section called ‘Financial and Contractual Procedures’. Webinars in other EU languages will be available under the section called ‘French’ and ‘Spanish’.
Step-by-Step documentation:
Video resources:
In case you wish to consult the video recordings of past Results Data Collection Awareness Webinars for Implementing Partners, they are available in INTPA Academy:
- English webinar
- French webinar
- Spanish webinar
- Soumission Valeurs et Contrôl Qualité
- Correspondance EURF-GAP III et Encodage Valeurs
Video tutorials :
Curated list of resources:
- Please consult in particular the Englishwebinar, it includes a demo. The video tutorials take users step by step through the process.
- This specific link to documentation would be the most useful: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/display/ExactExternalWiki/Logical+Framework+-+Logframe#LogicalFramework-Logframe-4.1ManageLogframes%E2%80%93Access,CreationandSubmission
- Should you have technical issues while encoding the logframe in OPSYS (Funding and Tenders Portal), please contact the helpdesk via the contact form or via email: EC-FUNDING-TENDER-SERVICE-DESK
Please note that in case you have additional questions on the process, and want to verify if your interventions are concerned by this exercise, consult directly the EU Operational Manager.
We count on your cooperation and support throughout this exercise.