This InfoPoint event is the first of two in a series about the DG INTPA supported project, “Transparency and traceability in the garment and footwear industry”. The event is jointly hosted by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Social and Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) and will discuss the learnings and impact to date from the implementation of the Social and Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) which aims to improve working conditions in global apparel value chains, reduce audit fatigue among suppliers, while aligning with emerging HRDD legislation.
- the EU's international role | international cooperation
- Tuesday 9 April 2024, 12:30 - 14:00 (CEST)
- Brussels, Belgium
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 9 April 2024, 12:30 - 14:00 (CEST)
- Where
- InfoPointBrussels, Belgium
- Languages
- English
- Organisers
- International Partnerships InfoPoint
The International Trade Centre (ITC) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) are jointly implementing the DG INTPA funded project, “Transparency and traceability in the garment and footwear industry”. DG INTPA is organising two InfoPoint sessions related to this project to take stock of its impact and achievements since 2019. This first session on 9th April, hosted by ITC and SLCP, is related to driving more convergence in social and labour compliance while reducing audit fatigue and aligning with HRDD practices. The second session, on 17th April, hosted by UNECE, will discuss the development and implementation of a traceability and transparency norm for the apparel and footwear sector.
- Carsten Sorensen, Deputy Head of Unit, INTPA E2- Trade, Investment Climate, Entrepreneurship & Value Chains
- Joseph Wozniak, Head, Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD), International Trade Centre (ITC)
- Janet Mensink, Managing Director, Social and Labor Convergence Program (SLCP)
- Loay Tolba, Senior Manager, Strategic Development & Stakeholder Engagement | Responsible Leadership – New Balance
- Pascale Moreau, EU Sustainability Lead, H&M Group
Language: English
Q&A session languages: English