The EU’s private sector has been actively contributing to solutions to the Covid crisis in partner countries, alongside the Team Europe public response. Beyond financial contributions to local pandemic funds or other types of financial donations, it has undertaken a wide range of initiatives for the supply of medical and protection equipment and other health solutions.
BAM International is a subsidiary of Royal BAM Group, one of Europe’s largest contracting companies active in construction, property, civil engineering, public-private partnerships, mechanical and electrical contracting and engineering in 30 countries around the world.
To deal with Covid-19, every BAM International project and work site has a specific plan in place to keep all staff and visitors safe. The plans combine company rules, project-specific arrangements and local regulations.
In practical terms, this means, for example, that sites need to make sure that all site staff are thermally scanned at least twice a day and wear personal protective equipment at all times. New staff must test negative and self-isolate for 14 days before starting work. To guarantee social distancing, every activity is assessed, and office and eating areas have been redesigned. Buses bringing staff to and from the site are never more than a quarter full and are sterilised after every trip. In addition, all equipment is sterilised after use and may only be used by one person at a time. Subcontractors must have permission to access a site and must submit a range of documentary evidence, from sterilisation schedules and daily prior temperature checks to training information and transport cleaning/distancing arrangements. A crisis management team meets twice a week to discuss overall performance and offer support where required. And any suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-19 are followed up using clearly established procedures.
Protecting staff in Indonesia
The BAM project site in Indonesia has made self-isolation mandatory for new staff. Every staff member’s body temperature is checked daily using non-contact thermal scanners.
The project and office areas are cleaned every day. Special attention is given to fixtures and fittings that many people frequently touch, such as handrails, door handles or water taps. Using the “SAFER” card system to record attendance gets rid of fingerprints on surfaces.

Social distancing is enforced for all activities, from training sessions to pre-shift briefings. Social distancing breaches are recorded through SAFER and followed up.
Staff housing (located near the project site) and the surrounding area are sprayed regularly with disinfectant. All site staff receive daily vitamin supplements. Last but not least, the company donates staple foods like rice, sugar, salt and cooking oil to nearby residents who have been experiencing difficulties during the pandemic, to cover their everyday needs.
Face masks for the International Red Cross
In April, BAM International donated 1 000 protective masks – approved for use in medical environments – to the International Red Cross. They will be worn by Red Cross volunteers in hospitals and care centres.