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International Partnerships

Global Gateway - flagship projects

The EU’s Global Gateway Strategy includes hundreds of sustainable and quality investment projects that, in close cooperation with our partners, the EU and its Member States develop and invest in. Projects identified as flagships and included in the list are prominent examples of the progress and deliverables of Global Gateway.

The aim of this list of flagship projects is to showcase the priorities of the Union, its Member States, and our partners, and contribute to strengthening our strategic partnerships and the promotion of our joint interests.

The flagship list is not exhaustive in relation to all projects and activities under Global Gateway.

For an overview of all flagship projects, download the infographic for


Asia and the Pacific

Latin America and the Caribbean

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Global Gateway - flagship projects (171)

Showing results 40 to 50
Djibouti second airport development project
Djibouti second airport development project

In 2023 the remaining funds from the Fonds d’études et d’aide au secteur privé (FASEP) will be used to finance the completion of feasibility studies and allow for a roundtable of potential donors.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
Global Gateway - Bio 2 Watt - Waste treatment
Drinking Water and Sewerage Programmes in Ecuador

In 2023 a financing agreement will be signed for the expansion and improvement of the drinking water and sanitation systems in Quito, and tenders will be launched for the construction of drinking water, sanitary and storm sewerage services in Portoviejo Municipality.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Health
Global Gateway - eYouth Mozambique
e-Youth in Mozambique

Activities will start under VaMoz Digital in 2023. The project strengthens inclusive digital ecosystems, enhances digital literacy and skills for youth, particularly for girls and those living in vulnerable situations. It provides incubation and acceleration of sustainable digital start-ups.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Education and research
Early childhood development in Zambia

Support to health and education in the two most underserved provinces, while strengthening the delivery of health and education services.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Education and research
Eastern Backbone Power Transmission in Malawi

Upgrade of 400km of transmission grid.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Ecuador Team Europe Initiative - A Green Deal for Ecuador
Ecuador Team Europe Initiative: ‘A Green Deal for Ecuador’

This Team Europe Initiative will develop an inclusive, sustainable and resilient economy. In 2023, the National Decarbonisation Strategy and a competition for ideas for green urban infrastructure projects will be launched.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Western Balkan electricity corridor

Development of the Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor for the creation of a regional power network connecting the electricity transmission systems of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia with those of Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Italy.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Madagascar SWM project

The project will focus on the implementation of mini-grids in rural areas in the South and West of Madagascar.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Electrification of social infrastructures in Colombia

Electrification and digitalisation of social infrastructure in remote rural areas with a focus on 2,000 remote schools, and expansion of households' access to digital infrastructure in poorer areas to reduce the digital divide and inequalities.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Digital
Electrification of the urban bus fleet in Costa Rica

Development of a business model to transform San José's metropolitan transport system, focusing on electric buses, charging infrastructure, and a maintenance and training center.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport