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International Partnerships

Global Gateway - flagship projects

The EU’s Global Gateway Strategy includes hundreds of sustainable and quality investment projects that, in close cooperation with our partners, the EU and its Member States develop and invest in. Projects identified as flagships and included in the list are prominent examples of the progress and deliverables of Global Gateway.

The aim of this list of flagship projects is to showcase the priorities of the Union, its Member States, and our partners, and contribute to strengthening our strategic partnerships and the promotion of our joint interests.

The flagship list is not exhaustive in relation to all projects and activities under Global Gateway.

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Latin America and the Caribbean

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Global Gateway - flagship projects (171)

Showing results 70 to 80
Papua New Guinea Rabaul Port Rehabilitation and Infrastructure Greening
Global Maritime Green Corridor

The initial production target is of 6 million tonnes per annum of methanol for green shipping. In 2023, private sector participants will finalise the feasibility study for the first phase in Morocco and Egypt.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
Global Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (phase 2)

Support in meeting the energy-efficiency and greenhouse-gas targets of the International Maritime Organization.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
Green Amazon/Amazonia Verde in Brazil

Enhance the Amazon with quality digital connectivity to connect 4 million people in 4 years, bridging the digital gap and improving access to education and healthcare, while supporting rainforest preservation efforts.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Digital
Papua New Guinea Rabaul Port Rehabilitation and Infrastructure Greening
Green and Digital logistics Corridor in Angola

This corridor between the ports at Sines and Barra do Dande will contribute to the security of the supply chain in the agri-food sector and support a green energy and critical raw materials supply chain, promoting economic and social development.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
Green Economic Growth in Mongolia
Green Economic Growth in Mongolia

In 2023 the Choir-Sainshand energy transmission line and substations construction works are being launched; Aimag and Soum Centers Green and Resilient Regional Development Investment Program (ASDIP) to be approved by the Mongolian Parliament; launch of the Forest Partnership.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Investing in both mitigation and climate resilience, as well as in clean energy, is a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low- and middle-income countries
Green Energy Transition in Bangladesh

In 2023 the project for solar and wind power energy investments will be launched.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Green hydrogen in Namibia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, India and Chile
Green hydrogen in Namibia

This partnership with Namibia is for the development of a green hydrogen economy and sustainable critical raw materials value chains to support the green transition of both Namibia and the EU.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Green Recovery in Nepal
Green Recovery in Nepal

The Team Europe Initiative aims to boost green recovery from the pandemic with green growth and jobs. It will support small farmers, the agro-forestry sector, enhance energy access and other vital services such as water supply, sanitation and nutrition services and education.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Investing in climate mitigation and resilience, as well as clean energy, is a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low and middle-income countries.
Green Transition Latin America and Caribbean - Climate and energy

In 2023 there will be energy dialogues with Argentina, Brazil and Chile. A Team Europe Initiative in Costa Rica on Green Recovery, Decarbonisation and Sustainable Urban Mobility will be launched. In Panama, the Energy Transition project will be launched.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Green urban mobility in India

Implementation of integrated, sustainable and energy-efficient metro rail systems in Surat and Ahmedabad to support low-emission, passenger- friendly and integrated mobility solutions for metropolitan areas with a suburban railway system, also expected to provide employment opportunities for women.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport