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International Partnerships


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Projects (114)

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Ai ba Futuru is a 5-year project targeting 4,000 marginalised households in 40 selected villages, planting 3 million trees in 5 years on approx. 6,000 hectares of land over the next 4 years.

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Building on the momentum created by the 2016 Olympics planned to take place in Brazil, the National Front of Mayors (‘Frente Nacional de Prefeitos’ - FNP) launched in December 2015 a 2-year project to better protect the rights of children and adolescents living in poor urban areas during the...

Project locations

The socio-economic and cultural context and traditions in Botswana put children and youth at risk of human rights violations, such as child sexual abuse (CSA) and exploitation. They’re particularly vulnerable to such risks given their physical and mental immaturity.

Project locations

Farmers in Angola work individually, are unaware of sustainable agricultural methods, and struggle to prosperously develop their activity. The Cabinda Farmers Club (‘Clube de Agricultores de Cabinda’) was set up in 2013 to help these farmers increase their production in quantity and quality, and...

Project locations

Honduras is the country most affected by climate change in the world (Climate Risk Index). The country’s western region is so frequently affected by drought that locals call it the ‘dry corridor’ (‘corredor seco’). As a direct consequence, it is also the country’s poorest and most food insecure...

Project locations