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International Partnerships

Evaluation of the EU’s cooperation with Nepal (2014-2021)

This report is the final deliverable of the Evaluation of the European Union’s (EU) cooperation with Nepal (2014-2021). 


Publication date
8 July 2024
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The general objectives of the evaluation were: 

  • to provide the relevant external cooperation services of the EU and the wider public with an overall independent assessment of the EU's past and current cooperation with Nepal;
  • to identify key lessons and produce recommendations in order to inform the responsible decision-makers, notably in the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the EU’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), on how to improve the current and future EU’s strategies, programmes and actions in Nepal.

Read the evaluation report


9 JULY 2024
Evaluation of the EU’s cooperation with Nepal (2014-2021) - final report
11 JULY 2024
Evaluation of the EU’s cooperation with Nepal (2014-2021) - Executive summary
16 JULY 2024
Evaluation of the EU’s cooperation with Nepal (2014-2021) - factsheet