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International Partnerships

Final evaluation of the AMSP 2010 (2014)

This report presents the findings of the Final Evaluation of the project Accompanying Measures to Sugar Protocol Countries ­  2010 Annual Action Plan, conducted early 2015. 


EvalRef 2014-F-1142, Evaluation contract C-352890, Evaluated references C-353827, C-353833, D-24480
Publication date
12 December 2014
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The evaluation team adopted a methodology aligned with the OECD-DAC framework, focusing on the five criteria of relevance (including quality of design), efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability, seeking to answer the evaluation questions posed in the inception report.

After the initial literature review and start-up meetings with the coordination unit and implementing agencies, the team conducted field visits to Viti Levu and Vanua Levu for a first round of interviews with beneficiaries (70 people interviewed) and direct observation of infrastructure built by the programme (5 water systems, 19 new houses, 14 Rotahomes). The evaluators used mobile data collection technology to record the feedback from beneficiaries and be able to quickly analyze the collected information. A second round of interviews was conducted during the third week of the field phase aimed specifically at collecting insights from institutional stakeholders.

The preliminary results of the evaluation were presented in a workshop with a wide participation of members of the Programme's Steering Committee on 16 February 2015 in Lautoka. The quantitative analysis of the results of the AAP2010 was mainly focused on cost-effectiveness of the four grant contracts, EP-provided queries on its loan portfolio, FRIEND sales and beneficiaries' revenues.

When possible, evaluators tried to triangulate information from different sources to verify the accuracy of the conclusions.


12 DECEMBER 2014
Final evaluation of the AMSP 2010 (2014)