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International Partnerships

Mid-Term evaluation of the project Free Movement of Migraton in West Africa under the 10th EDF (2016)

Mid-term review assesses EU's West Africa project on free movement


EvalRef 2016-M-1070, Evaluation contract C-371768, Evaluated references C-318778, D-23123
Publication date
1 February 2016
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The project "Support for the free movement of persons and migration in West Africa" (FMM), and has three components: i) strengthening the capacity of the Commission of ECOWAS, ii)
strengthening the capacity of national institutions; iii) promoting the involvement of non-state actors and local authorities.

The project was in line with the objectives pursued under the Regional Indicative Programme and the 10th EDF, mainly the strengthening of the State of law, the issues of the protection of migrants, security and public health.

The purpose of the present mid-term evaluation is – as stated in the ToRs - to evaluate the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the project with a specific focus on providing recommendations on how to improve performance in the final stage of implementation.

This mid-term evaluation comes at a crucial moment to indicate the improvements to be made in order to achieve the targets set under the free movement project and to enlighten at starting at these operational recommendations the future programming of EU support to West Africa on free movement of persons and migration.

The Overall Objective of the assignment is to assist the EU Delegation to Nigeria, the Government of Nigeria and to the ECOWAS and other partners in the evaluation of the EU support to free movement and migration in West Africa under the 10th EDF.
The Specific Objective is to evaluate the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the project "Support to free movement of persons and migration in West Africa" (FED 2012/023-123) (mid-term evaluation) with a specific focus on providing recommendations on how to improve performance in the final stage of implementation. The impact of the project will not be assessed.


Mid-Term evaluation of the project Free Movement of Migraton in West Africa under the 10th EDF (2016)