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International Partnerships

Mid-Term Review Evaluation - Rural Economic Development Programme Phase II (2016)

Mid-term evaluation of the programme - RED2 - whose objective is to contribute to improving the livelihoods of PNG’s rural population through income generation from agricultural produce in the Highlands Region.


EvalRef 2016-M-795, Evaluation contract C-378197, Evaluated references D-24320
Publication date
16 September 2016
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The aim of the mid-term evaluation is to review the performance of the RED2 programme in relation to its overall objective and planned achievements per component. Emphasis was put on the integrative aspect of the programme. Therefore, both the coordination aspects and the implementation of each programme component were reviewed. This was done using the 5 DAC evaluation criteria and provided additional information on EU’s coherence and added value as well as visibility. Key recommendations were made to speed up implementation and lessons learned for future programming.

The RED2 programme objective is to contribute to improving Highlanders livelihoods by raising their income generation base through agricultural production and value addition.

The programme was designed with three components reflecting three different sectors: transport, finance and agriculture / Government capacity building, all of which should contribute to value chain development:

  • Under component 1 – road rehabilitation and maintenance to enhance market access implemented by the Asian Development Bank.
  • Under component 2 – financial inclusion through improving access to finance for value chain development implemented by UNCDF.
  • Under component 3 – capacity building of farmers for value chain development and of local governments to improve their quality of service delivery related to value chain through NARI, a Technical Assistance Team and DPLGA.


Mid-Term Review Evaluation - Rural Economic Development Programme Phase II (2016)