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International Partnerships

Americas and the Caribbean


Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) were particularly hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and the region is facing its worst recession on record. The crisis aggravated existing structural challenges, including inequality, informal employment, gender-based violence and insecurity.

The social unrest and political instability that have marked the regional context in recent years could worsen as economic hardship is set to continue, notably for women, thus undermining social cohesion, democracy and respect for human rights.

Our approach

The European Union (EU) is strengthening its engagement with the LAC in a fair green and digital transition to help unlocking the huge potential of LAC region whilst ensuring a safe social environment.

The EU and LAC are essential partners in today’s challenging global context. The two regions have developed one of the densest networks of association, trade, political and cooperation agreements, between the EU and 27 of the 33 LAC countries. Under Global Gateway, the EU’s positive offer to deliver sustainable and trusted connections with partner countries, and acting as Team Europe, the EU aims to boost smart, clean, and secure investments in physical sustainable infrastructure in the areas of digital, climate, energy and transport while also strengthening enabling operating environments. This includes regulatory frameworks and investments in people in areas such as education, research, and health.

For the Caribbean, the EU-OACPS Partnership Agreement sets out the objectives of the Caribbean-EU partnership. The region has specific needs, especially given the intrinsic vulnerability of its small economies to regular external shocks. The objectives here include improving environmental sustainability and climate resilience; transitioning to a sustainable and diversified economy that supports decent jobs and growth, and promotes trade and investment; enhancing good governance, and building inclusive and secure societies where institutions are accountable, and no one is left behind.

The EU-CELAC Summit on 17-18 July 2023, the LAC Global Gateway Investment Agenda, the Joint Declaration and Joint Roadmap of events, as well as the Joint Communication on a New EU Agenda for EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Relations, will pave the way towards a renewed and lasting partnership.

Our EU programmes

Together with its Member States, with development banks and the private sector our partnership will leverage the full potential of our development cooperation funding. Implemented through a Team Europe approach, Global Gateway is the EU’s sustainable and values-based offer to the region.

Spanning 5 key sectors (digital, climate and energy, transport, health, and education and research), Global Gateway covers hard infrastructure as well as enabling environment, regulatory frameworks, norms, standards and good governance principles.

A detailed outline of EU cooperation with the Americas and the Caribbean for the next budget period (2021-2027) can be found in the ‘multi-annual indicative plan’ (MIP) below. 

Given the specific nature of the EU’s relationship with the Caribbean sub-region, cooperation to reinforce the Caribbean-EU partnership will focus on three priority areas

  • the Green Deal
  • economic resilience and trade
  • governance, security and human development

Global Gateway flagship programmes

  • The EU-LAC Digital Alliance is the next major step forward for digital cooperation between the regions, strengthening the EU's digital engagement with LAC through a mutually beneficial alliance
  • The BELLA connectivity programme links the European and Latin American research and education communities
  • The Amazon Basin programme aims to improve the capacities of the Amazon Basin countries to fight deforestation and forest degradation and strengthen indigenous and local communities’ roles in this fight, including through support for sustainable value chains in agriculture and forestry
  • EUROCLIMA+ is our flagship cooperation programme on environmental sustainability and climate change with the LAC region
  • The Amazon Basin programme aims to improve the capacities of the Amazon Basin countries to fight deforestation and forest degradation and strengthen indigenous and local communities’ roles in this fight, including through support for sustainable value chains in agriculture and forestry.

Other regional programmes

  • EL PAcCTO II seeks to contribute to security and justice in Latin America by supporting the fight against transnational organised crime
  • The Latin America and Caribbean Investment Facility mobilises funding for development projects by combining EU grants with financial resources from European and regional financial institutions, governments and the private sector
  • Copolad III supports the implementation of more effective drug policies
  • Eurofront supports the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling in Latin America

Sub-regional programmes

Other EU tools and flagship programmes, such as Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, Copernicus and Galileo will also be integrated as part of the EU’s work in the region.

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