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International Partnerships

Policy Officer - European Integration - Economic and trade desk (post 423511)

Job details

Function Group: FG IV

Reference Number: 423511

Application Deadline: 2 August 2024

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Unit: NEAR.D.4 – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo

Contact point: Ms JESUS-GIMENO Barbara (Head of Unit) 

Job description

Under the supervision of an official or a temporary agent, contribute to the definition, coordination and implementation of EU policies concerning Kosovo, with a particular focus on the economic criteria, strengthening Kosovo’s economic and trade development and alignment with the EU acquis and obligations under the SAA and Economic Reform Programmes. Contribute towards the definition, coordination and implementation of EU policies on Chapter 4 (free movement of capital) for all candidate countries and potential candidates, and across DG NEAR when necessary, in close cooperation with the relevant Commission services. Coordination, for NEAR D4, of the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and contact point for digital transition under the Economic and Investment Plan. Responsibility for chapters 4 (free movement of capital), 9 (financial services), 16 (taxation), 17 (economic and monetary policy), 18 (statistics), 20 (enterprise and industrial policy), 29 (customs union), 30 (external relations) for Kosovo and back up for Bosnia and Herzegovina and for internal market.

How to apply

Applications (CV & motivation letter) to be sent to: NEAR-D4atec [dot] europa [dot] eu (NEAR-D4[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

(Please indicate your CAST candidate number in your application and mention the post number in subject line).

Related documents

19 JULY 2024
Post 423511 - job description