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International Partnerships

Policy Officer (post 375562)

Job details

Function Group: FG IV

Reference Number: 375562

Application Deadline: 9 September 2024

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Unit: DG.NEAR.A.2 – Thematic Support - Rule of Law, Governance and Security

Contact point: JONES Allan (Head of Unit)

Job description

Under the supervision of an official and the team leader, contribute to the work of the unit on security issues including organised crime, counter-terrorism and law enforcement cooperation (including EMPACT), and ensure coherence of anti-money laundering / anti-corruption / integrity policy linked to increased investments / assistance in the neighbourhood and enlargement countries.

How to apply

Applications (CV & motivation letter) to be sent to Allan [dot] Jonesatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Allan[dot]Jones[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

(Please indicate your CAST candidate number in your application and mention the post number in subject line).

Related documents

19 JULY 2024
Post 375562 - job description