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International Partnerships

EU-funded projects help protect Tonlé Sap’s delicate biodiversity

Protecting the environment and protecting biodiversity may be the biggest challenge our generation will ever face.

H.E. Igor Driesmans, EU Ambassador to Cambodia

This is important in order to protect biodiversity and ecosystems along the Mekong. I think that all transboundary Water Cooperation Projects supported by the Mekong River Commission (MRC) are of imminent importance.

Stefan Messerer, Ambassador of Germany to Cambodia

The EUR 4.9 million 'Our Tonlé Sap' project is Cambodia’s first landscape project spanning four years (2021-2024), supported by a consortium including RECOFTC, NatureLife Cambodia, SHE enterprises, Oxfam, CDPO, ForumCiv, and Sansom Mlup Prey Organisation.

The ultimate goal of this project is to build resilience against environmental changes impacting ecosystems, communities, and biodiversity through a comprehensive, multi-scaled, integrated landscape approach. This strategy emphasises promoting sustainable development practices and policies, and enhancing awareness of the importance of Tonlé Sap.