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International Partnerships

Restoring fishermen’s livelihoods at Tonle Sap Lake

In response, the European Union launched the 'Our Tonle Sap' initiative in 2021, a four-year, EUR 4.9 million project aimed at revitalising the lake’s biodiversity and supporting local communities amidst these challenges. 

One key area of intervention is the Preak Toal conservation area in Battambang, where the EU supports Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration in managing sustainable, community-based fishing practices. This includes deploying 4,540 patrols across 178,131 sq-km of the lake to combat illegal fishing and restore flooded forests destroyed by fires. These EU-backed projects have seen the lake’s fish stock slowly recover.

The rangers make it easy for us to make a living. If they see illegal fishing activity, they stop it. They only allow fishing with small nets, like ours. There are more [fish] this year.

Duch Dam, Fisherman

The EUR 4.9 million 'Our Tonle Sap' project is Cambodia’s pioneering landscape initiative spanning four years (2021-2024), supported by a consortium including RECOFTC, NatureLife Cambodia, SHE enterprises, Oxfam, CDPO, ForumCiv, and Sansom Mlup Prey Organisation.

The ultimate goal of this project is to build resilience against environmental changes impacting ecosystems, communities, and biodiversity through a comprehensive, multi-scaled, integrated landscape approach. This strategy emphasises promoting sustainable development practices and policies, and enhancing awareness of the importance of Tonle Sap.