Gender equality - European Commission
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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
International Partnerships

Gender equality


We implement programmes around the world wherever assistance is needed. We tailor our support to fit the region or country being helped. Programmes with a global reach allow the EU to provide similar support to countries facing similar problems.

Mae Sot, Thailand
The EU-UN Spotlight Initiative is a strategic partnership to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls across the world.
EU and UN Women to boost women’s rights coalitions on ending violence against women

ACT to End Violence against Women (Advocacy, Coalition Building and Transformative Feminist Action to End Violence Against Women) is a programme to accelerate efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women.

Latest news

  • News announcement

The European Union and partners launch the Women’s Leadership Initiative, a component of the Women and Youth in Democracy Initiative (WYDE), in New York today during the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

  • 2 min read

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Ma Khine explaining climate change issues to local communities

With EU support, Ma Khine, a woman leading a local organisation in Myanmar, has been able to strengthen her knowledge on climate change. She has used her newly acquired skills to educate communities by proposing collective actions and solutions to address these issues.