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International Partnerships

Global Gateway - flagship projects

The EU’s Global Gateway Strategy includes hundreds of sustainable and quality investment projects that, in close cooperation with our partners, the EU and its Member States develop and invest in. Projects identified as flagships and included in the list are prominent examples of the progress and deliverables of Global Gateway.

The aim of this list of flagship projects is to showcase the priorities of the Union, its Member States, and our partners, and contribute to strengthening our strategic partnerships and the promotion of our joint interests.

The flagship list is not exhaustive in relation to all projects and activities under Global Gateway.

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Global Gateway - flagship projects (171)

Showing results 90 to 100
Irrigation programme PARIIS and rural development programme PADAER II in Senegal

description will be updated shortly

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Jigawa Solar photovoltaic project in Nigeria

Build a 50-100 MW public solar power plant at Gwiwa, Jigawa state, to de-risk the sector for private investment (construction of evacuation lines, storage, institutional technical assistance, etc.).

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
ust Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with Indonesia
Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with Indonesia

The Just Energy Transition Partnership commits to groundbreaking climate targets, and associated financing, to support Indonesia in an ambitious and just energy transition.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Just Energy Transition Partnership in Senegal

Boost renewable energy deployment, targeting 40% of Senegal's electricity capacity by 2030.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Just Energy Transition Partnership in South Africa

Complementary interventions in strategic value chains to support the Just Energy Transition through hard infrastructure, as well as soft measures in the areas of SMEs development, skills, research and innovation, technology transfer and policy strengthening.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
KOLWEZI – SOLWEZI interconnector in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Construction of a 148 km long, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) 330kV transmission line to boost the stability of Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation Limited and National Electricity Company networks, particularly in southern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Lagos Inland Water Transport in Nigeria

Construction/upgrading of 6 priority routes, 25 terminal and jetties, promoting gender actions and the use of the Inland Water Transport system by women, the disabled, elderly, children, through better accessibility, safety (antiharassment campaigns) and comfort.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
Livelihood Support and Community Infrastructure Programme (LACIP) in Pakistan

Poverty reduction programme that aims to develop disaster resilient Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI) and provides Livelihood Enhancement and Protection (LEP) with Social Mobilisation (SM) as the basis for all the activities.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
Lobito Corridor in Zambia, Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Boost trade and economic growth, including clean energy projects, investment in critical minerals, digital access expansion, agricultural value chains for local food production, workforce training, SME support, and economic diversification for sustainable growth.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
MAV/ local production of vaccines and medicines in Nigeria

Support to the enabling environment for research and development as well as local pharmaceutical and health technologies production.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Health