Green-Blue Alliance for the Pacific - European Commission Skip to main content
International Partnerships

Green-Blue Alliance for the Pacific

Under the regional Team Europe Initiative on Green-Blue alliance for the Pacific focusing on climate action, resilience, and sustainable use of natural capital, this project will facilitate and support the increase hydropower generation capacity in Fiji. Through the Qaliwana and Vatutokotoko cascade hydropower development scheme, the production of renewable electricity in Fiji is expected to increase significantly (between 94 and 167 GWh/year additional). This will contribute to the reduction of Fiji’s reliance on fossil fuels and of its greenhouse gas emissions and will help Fiji to meet the rising demand for electricity due to economic growth and the electrification of the transport sector. The components foreseen to be supported by this project are: (i)construction of the Qaliwana dam and hydropower plant (+22 MW) and (ii) construction of the Vatutokotoko hydropower plant (+31 MW). The EU, together with EIB, will partner with the private sector.

In Papua New Guinea, 127 km of farm-to-market road maintenance, maintenance of 5 airstrips and the construction and improvement of 2 jetties will be completed; there will be a €20 million top up to the project ‘Protecting Climate Change Resilience of Pacific Islands.