Pelokgale ̶̶ Enough is enough: Stop gender-based violence - European Commission Skip to main content
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Pelokgale ̶̶ Enough is enough: Stop gender-based violence


Botswana has subscribed to several human rights instruments specifically addressing gender-based violence, including the Sustainable development goals: Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, and committed to halve gender-based violence by 2015 within its borders.

In this context, the 2-year project ‘Pelokgale – Enough is enough’, carried out by the Kagisano Society – Women’s Shelter (KSWS), was launched in 2013 in the country, to raise awareness and sensitise the community to gender equality through an edutainment approach. 80% of the budget allocated to this project was contributed by the EU.


The project’s overall objective was threefold:

  • reduce the incidence of gender-based violence in Botswana by engaging communities
  • make communities more conscious of and responsive to such violence by conveying a zero tolerance message and encouraging victims to report their assaulter to the police
  • strengthen community capacities to deal with such violence and encourage them to collectively act for protection


The project’s edutainment strategy involved:

  • transcribing the book ‘Stories of courage’, published by KSWS, into a drama series aired on Botswana Television: 26 episodes were created based on these real-life experiences

  • developing a call-in radio programme aired on Radio Botswana (RB1) after each episode

  • creating an online space for sharing: people could post their comments, concerns and thoughts on gender issues on KSWS’ website and Facebook page

Almost 80% of the TV show viewers confirmed discussing the issues addressed in each episode with friends, colleagues and family.

Focus group research with students showed that the morning after an episode had aired, lively debates would occur on campus to discuss the topics covered by the episode.

People also became more conscious of KSWS’ care and support services, as phone calls to the centre increased and peaked during the running of the drama series.


Thanks to this innovative project, KSWS managed to increase local communities’ awareness of and participation in gender issues, including gender-based violence.

The efficient combination of fiction and public debate triggered a stronger community involvement and better understanding of gender issues.

Funding instrument

European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

Implementing organisations

Kagisano Society – Women’s Shelter (KSWS)