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International Partnerships

Mid-Term Evaluation of SADC Trade Related Facility (2017)

This evaluation aims to increase the visibility, accessibility, efficiency and effectiveness of SADC Trade Related Facility, by assessing results and achievements so far, and the extent and causes of any problems encountered during implementation.


EvalRef 2017-M-8, Evaluation contract C-377499, Evaluated references C-346288
Publication date
1 August 2017
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


This is the Draft Final Report of the Mid Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SADC Trade Related Facility (TRF). The Evaluation will present findings and recommendations designed to improve the implementation modalities of the project in order to make it more responsive and effective in meeting the needs of the beneficiaries. Proposals for modification will focus specifically on the intervention logic, current implementation modalities, and changes in approach to project management, staffing levels. The assessment criteria to be used in the MTE are clearly specified in the ToRs. They include the quality of project design and its relevance to the needs of the target beneficiaries, the efficiency of implementation to date and the effectiveness of project results in achieving the project purpose of improving the participation of SADC Member States in regional and international trade in order to contribute to sustainable development in the SADC region. 

The assessment of TRF programme was carried out in two stages. The first stage was a desk study review of FSU records of commitments and reports as well as interviews at SADC Secretariat and FSU Office. The second phase was based on two field visits to relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries: Zambia and Botswana.


1 AUGUST 2017
Mid-Term Evaluation of SADC Trade Related Facility (2017)