The main purpose of EVA 2020 is the contracting of services to carry out strategic evaluations of EU external actions, in particular in the field of international cooperation and development. The strategic evaluations to be implemented via this FWC are defined as complex evaluations, that analyse EU strategies/actions from design to implementation assessing the combined results of all spending (e.g. projects and programmes) and non-spending (e.g. policy dialogues) activities over a significant period of time (temporal scope of at least 4 years).
Strategic evaluations are different from the evaluations of projects and programmes usually managed by EU Delegations and/or by Implementing Partners. They can be of several types, for example: Country and Regional evaluations, Thematic and Sectoral evaluations, Evaluations of EU external financing instruments, Budget support evaluations, and Evaluations of implementation modalities (e.g. blending, guarantee funds).
The FWC EVA 2020 is valid from 17 August 2020 until 16 August 2024.
Templates for managers of evaluations and their specific contract, all compatible with OPSYS:
- Specific Terms of Reference
- Annex I – Technical offer (Organisation and Methodology)
- Annex II - Evaluation Grid (Award criteria)
Visual templates for final reports of evaluations have been developed and need to be fully respected:
The quality of the reports delivered at every step of an evaluation is thoroughly assessed by the manager of the evaluation. In DG INTPA, grids guide this quality assessment:
- INTPA Quality Assessment Grid for the inception report
- INTPA Quality Assessment Grid for the desk report
- INTPA Quality Assessment Grid for the final (synthesis) report
Data Protection rules:
- Privacy statement template, to be adapted by Framework contractors
Reports from strategic evaluations of EU external action are available here:
- For International Partnerships (DG INTPA)
- For Neighbourhood and Enlargement (DG NEAR)