What is TAIEX?
TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) is an EU institution building tool, which mobilises public sector expertise from EU Member States in a Team Europe spirit to support reform processes around the world.
After over 20 years of experience in the Enlargement and Neighbourhood countries, this instrument is also available for Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) partner countries since 2020.
TAIEX strengthens national policies of INTPA partner countries and regions, supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, while also contributing to Global Gateway.
TAIEX actions
TAIEX offers short-term technical support to public institutions in partner countries through actions that can last up to 5 days.
TAIEX can offer
- workshops - experts from EU Member States share their expertise with a large audience
- expert missions - EU Member State experts spend up to one week with the beneficiary institutions to provide advice on specific topics
- study visits - a group of practitioners from a beneficiary administration visits an EU Member State for up to one week
TAIEX events can take place in person, hybrid or fully online.
Who can apply?
TAIEX assistance is open to
- civil servants of partner countries' administrations
- judiciary and law enforcement authorities
- parliaments and civil servants working in parliaments and legislative councils
- representatives of social partners, trade unions and employers’ associations
All low and middle-income partner countries and regions covered by the Directorate-General for International Partnership (INTPA) are eligible for TAIEX INTPA.
For other countries and regions, please refer to the TAIEX webpage of the Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.
TAIEX does not provide direct support to civil society, private citizens or individual companies.
How can I apply?
TAIEX applications are submitted online.
An application can be made by
- partner country institutions
- EU Delegations
- DG INTPA headquarters
The EU Delegation in the country of the beneficiary administration should be informed and consulted before the submission of applications online.
If you have questions on the application, please contact NEAR-TAIEX-INTPAec [dot] europa [dot] eu (NEAR-TAIEX-INTPA[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
More information
The user guide contains all practical information on TAIEX INTPA.
Find all information on past and planned TAIEX events through TAIEX Search.
Public officials of EU Member States with expertise relevant to TAIEX beneficiaries can register as TAIEX experts in the TAIEX Expert Database.
Find good examples of TAIEX INTPA events in the TAIEX success stories document and on the Team Europe Partnerships Portal.