Connecting the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, and Angola to Global Markets through the Lobito Corridor - European Commission Skip to main content
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Connecting the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, and Angola to Global Markets through the Lobito Corridor

The Lobito Corridor connects the Southern regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), northwestern Zambia and Angola to regional and global trade markets via the port of Lobito.


Announced through a EU-US Joint Statement in the margins of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) event at the G20 in India in September 2023, the Lobito Corridor is a key priority under the G7’s PGII.

The EU and the US are co-leading the support for the Corridor's development, including infrastructure investments, soft measures for trade and transit facilitation, investments in related sectors to foster sustainable and inclusive growth and capital investments (agriculture value chains, energy, transport/logistics, technical and vocational education and training) along the Corridor in Angola, DRC and Zambia.

During the Global Gateway Forum in October 2023, the EU and the US signed - together with Angola, DRC, Zambia, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) - a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to define the roles and objectives for the Corridor’s expansion.

Scope and objectives

In January 2023, the Ministers responsible for Transport and Corridor Development from Angola, DRC and Zambia, with support and coordination of the Secretariat of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), signed the Lobito Corridor Transit Transport Facilitation Agency (LCTTFA) Agreement. The LCTTFA Agreement aims to provide an effective and efficient route that facilitates the transportation of goods within territories between the three Corridor Member States, through: 

  1. harmonisation of policies, laws and regulations; 
  2. coordinated joint corridor infrastructure development strategies and activities; 
  3. dissemination of traffic data and business information; and 
  4. implementation of trade facilitation instruments.

The goal is to support greater participation of SMEs in business value chains, mainly in agriculture and mining, with the view of increasing trade and economic growth along the Lobito Corridor and across the SADC Region.


Once transport infrastructure connecting all three countries is fully operational, the line will enhance export possibilities for Zambia, DRC and Angola, boost the regional circulation of goods and promote the mobility of citizens. By significantly reducing the average transport time, the Corridor will lower the logistics costs and carbon footprint for exporting metals, agricultural goods, and other products as well as for future development of any mineral discoveries.

Key information

Implementing organisations: Team Europe +, AfDB, AFC and US

Partners: The European Commission, the Government of the United States of America, the Government of the Republic of Zambia, the Government of the Republic of Angola, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC).

Funding instrument: NDICI

Related document

  • 24 OCTOBER 2023
Memorandum of Understanding on Working Arrangements relating to the development of the Lobito Corridor and the Zambia-Lobito rail line