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International Partnerships


The Global Gateway initiative building partnerships between the European Union and the Latin America and Caribbean regions as they lead the green and just transition.

Core Team Europe partners

  • Germany
  • European Commission

Key info

Location: 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries 

Themes: Green and just transition

Total budget: €105 million

  • EU contribution: €70 million
  • Germany: €8 million


Euroclima supports ecosystems and vulnerable communities (including women, youth and indigenous populations) to increase their resilience to climate change. It works through the implementation of demand-driven actions.

It has been the EU´s flagship regional programme on climate action in Latin America for over a decade. In 2023, it expanded its footprint to the Caribbean and is now being implemented in the 33 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries.


Building partnerships for a green and just transition

Euroclima seeks to contribute to the LAC region’s green and just transition. The programme aims to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in the 33 LAC countries by promoting mitigation and adaptation to climate change, as well as promoting resilience, investment and conservation of biological diversity.

Euroclima will assist Latin American and the Caribbean countries’ transition to a decarbonised, environmentally friendly and inclusive economy. In addition, it will ensure a socially just and green recovery, in line with the EU Green Deal.

It targets seven key sectors

  • conservation and sustainable management of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems
  • resilient food production
  • urban mobility
  • sustainable energy
  • disaster risk reduction and management
  • clean water and sanitation
  • circular economy

EU engagement in LAC through Euroclima

Euroclima contributes to the Joint Communication of 2023 that sets out a renewed agenda for relations between the EU and LAC, the EU Green Deal and the targets set in the Paris Agreement on climate change. 

The renewed agenda outlines the engagement of the EU towards this partnership under the EU Global Gateway strategy that will boost investments to accelerate a green and digital transition.

The EU-LAC Global Gateway Investment Agenda will identify fair green and digital investment opportunities in LAC, which will benefit from the open environment generated by trade and investment agreements, helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Investment Agenda will mobilise investments in, amongst other things, renewable energy and green hydrogen, critical raw materials, decarbonisation and sustainable finance.

There is significant potential for cooperation between the EU and LAC towards climate neutral, clean and nature-positive economies. The LAC region has unique potential in terms of biodiversity, natural resources, sustainable renewable energies, agricultural production and strategic critical raw materials.

The EU is committed to spending at least 30% of its cooperation budget on climate and biodiversity initiatives in the LAC region. This strategic commitment to climate and biodiversity in LAC is demonstrated through Euroclima - Team Europe´s flagship climate programme.


The Euroclima programme is implemented via three methods

  • conducting a demand-driven in-country policy dialogue to support ambitious policies and their implementation
  • seeking synergies and enhancing intra-regional cooperation
  • cooperating in the environment sector, including biodiversity monitoring and reporting and ocean and climate change governance; cooperating in the energy sector to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency; and cooperation in the development of smart and sustainable cities

A cross-cutting focus on climate governance gives coherence to the approach, whilst ensuring the legacy of the programme through longer-term country-ownership of interventions.

Euroclima is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

It is implemented by the Spanish Agency for International Development Co-operation (AECID), Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), United Nations Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France, International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).

Expected results

Euroclima expects to deliver four outputs

  • strengthened enabling environment for a green and just transition
  • demonstrated green and just transition-related catalytic actions
  • increased access to green and just transition-related finance and investments
  • facilitation of EU-LAC dialogues on green and just transition
The Global Gateway stands for sustainable and trusted connections that work for people and the planet.