As a global leader, the EU continues to lead on international efforts, and in conjunction with our partners, we address environmental challenges and promote the implementation of ambitious climate, environment and energy policies across the world. Through bilateral efforts, we accompany partners to transition towards more sustainable development pathways.
The Green Deal is an integral part of this Commission’s strategy to implement the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) Programme assists the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to address their priorities for better managing and governing biodiversity and natural resources. It provides a variety of tools, services and funding.

ECOFAC6 promotes a green economy characterised by sustainable and inclusive economic development, as well as the fight against climate change.

The project supports biodiversity conservation in six priority regions: Congo Basin forest ecosystems, Transhumance landscapes in Central Africa, West Africa Forests, Sudano-sahelian savannahs of West Africa, Eastern Rift savannahs and watersheds, Transfrontier conservation areas of Southern Africa.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy

This programme aims to strengthen urban governance by supporting social, environmental or economic sustainability.

The SWITCH Africa Green programme aims to assist African countries with sustainable development, by encouraging a shift towards an inclusive green economy.

SWITCH Asia promotes sustainable consumption and production.

Euroclima is the Global Gateway initiative that builds partnerships between the European Union and the Latin America and Caribbean regions as they lead the green and just transition.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy
Latest news

The European Union and the five Central Asia countries further deepened their mutual-beneficial partnership, mobilising investments under the EU’s Global Gateway strategy in the areas of digital connectivity, transport, critical raw materials, and the water, energy and climate sector.
The European Union and Barbados have taken an important step towards a sustainable energy future with the launch of the Renewstable Barbados project which aims to integrate solar power with on-site green hydrogen storage to provide a reliable, stable, and clean electricity supply to Barbados.
At the EU Space Conference in Brussels, the European Commission announced the “Africa-EU Space Partnership Programme.” This initiative, backed by a €100 million investment, forms a critical part of the EU's Global Gateway strategy to deepen space cooperation between the EU and Africa.