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International Partnerships

Global Gateway - flagship projects

The EU’s Global Gateway Strategy includes hundreds of sustainable and quality investment projects that, in close cooperation with our partners, the EU and its Member States develop and invest in. Projects identified as flagships and included in the list are prominent examples of the progress and deliverables of Global Gateway.

The aim of this list of flagship projects is to showcase the priorities of the Union, its Member States, and our partners, and contribute to strengthening our strategic partnerships and the promotion of our joint interests.

The flagship list is not exhaustive in relation to all projects and activities under Global Gateway.

For an overview of all flagship projects, download the infographic for

Africa Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean

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Global Gateway - flagship projects (171)

Showing results 50 to 60
Submarine cable

The project supports the construction of a first interconnection between Italy and Tunisia with an undersea high-voltage electricity cable. It will increase the security and the sustainability of electricity supply on both sides and will allow for better renewable energy integration.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Energy transition through green hydrogen storage in Barbados

Establish the first green hydrogen energy storage cell to store solar energy in the Caribbean contributing to renewable energy transition and grid stability.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Enhance and secure renewable electricity generation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Enhance and secure renewable electricity generation in DRC by rehabilitating the Ruzizi II hydropower plant and upgrading the common switchgear for hydroelectric power plants INGA I and II.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Establishment of a maritime corridor between the Portuguese Port of Sines and the Mexican Port of Coatzacoalcos and the interoceanic Corridor of Tehuantepec in Mexico

Establishment of a trade route between Mexico and the EU for energy and other products, contributing to diversification of EU’s energy providers, clean energy and strengthening of industrial chains.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport
The EU-AU Data Flagship will support the development of Green Data Centres, with the aim to support Africa in building a data economy and foresting its data sovereignty through secure data storage and processing capacities.
EU-AU Data Flagship

The EU-AU Data Flagship will support the development of Green Data Centres, with the aim to support Africa in building a data economy and foresting its data sovereignty through secure data storage and processing capacities.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Digital
EU-LAC Digital Accelerator in Latin America and the Caribbean

Facilitate investments and partnerships for more than 100 EU-LAC joint ventures, focusing on the digital transformation with a human rights and gender perspective, bridging gender gaps, promoting women's participation, and creating solutions for gender equity or women and girls' specific needs.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Digital
EU-LAC Partnership on vaccine production and health systems resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean

Improving vaccine access by strengthening administrative capacity, modernising policies, improving health financing, and sharing expertise with EU states, and harmonising regulations and scientific collaboration to boost local medicine/vaccine production and health system resilience.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Health
Sentinel: Space photos of the European Space Agency (ESA)

The EU-LAC Digital Alliance creates a strategic framework to foster substantial bi-regional cooperation across the full spectrum of digital and space issues.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Digital
EU-Nigeria Digital Economy Package in Nigeria

Support Nigeria's digitalisation with infrastructure upgrades, public service digitisation, tech start-up support, digital skills training (focusing on youth and women), and robust digital governance for privacy and cybersecurity.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Digital
Expansion and upgrade of Santo Domingo’s urban transport in Dominican Republic

Upgrading and extension of Metro Line 2 (additional 7.4 km, 5 new metro stops) to boost access to jobs and aid in meeting emission reduction goals.

Global Gateway - areas of partnership
  • Transport