Bêkou Trust Fund - European Commission Skip to main content
International Partnerships

Bêkou Trust Fund

To respond to the consequences of the 2013 crisis in the Central African Republic, it was necessary to create a rapid and flexible tool to meet the immediate needs of the population, while ensuring sustainable reconstruction of the country.  

The European Union has different tools to support the Central African Republic: the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) is leading the EU humanitarian response, while traditional development instruments such as the European Development Fund (EDF) are contributing to long-term needs. The Bêkou Fund positions itself in the Humanitarian – Development - Peace Nexus. It creates bridges between humanitarian and development actions; following the Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LLRD) approach.

Amongst the advantages of the Bêkou Trust Fund are its rapidity - it is able to act quickly, its flexibility – it is able to adapt to changing situation and notably to a volatile security climate and the enhanced donor coordination.

Areas of intervention

Key information

Creation date
15 juillet 2014

90 mois (initially 60 months, prolonged until end of 2021)

Amount pledged

EU (more than 70%), Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland


Eight years after its creation, the projects funded by the Bêkou Trust Fund have provided tangible results such as:

40% of population
covered by primary health care
20 000 activities
generating income supported
46 000 refugees,
forcibly displaced people and host communities protected or assisted
1 million small-scale farmers
directly supported
71 000 women
assisted in their socio-economic integration
125 000 participants
in conflict prevention and peace building activities
  • 25 APRIL 2023
2022 Rapport Annuel Trust Fund Bêkou
  • 23 MARCH 2023
Annexe 1 - Fiche projets Trust Fund Bêkou
  • 8 MARCH 2022
Factsheet - Combattre l’épidémie de COVID-19 en République centrafricaine - La réponse du Fonds Bêkou à la crise
  • 8 MARCH 2022
French Leaflet Bêkou - De l’humanitaire à la résilience - October 2019
  • 8 MARCH 2022
2020 Bêkou Trust Fund annual report - FR
  • 8 MARCH 2022
Bêkou Constitutive Agreement - FR
  • 8 MARCH 2022
Bêkou Court of Auditors report (2017) - FR
Une sage-femme examine une femme enceinte

Le taux de mortalité maternelle en République centrafricaine est parmi les plus élevés au monde. Grâce au financement du Fonds Bêkou de l'Union européenne, l'Alliance for International Medical Action - ALIMA soutient 26 formations sanitaires dans deux districts.